Persuasive Essay Against Capital Punishment

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The world has been a scarier place to live with the increasing crime rates. Tough punishments and financial bail are being implemented to reduce the criminal acts. Capital punishment, or the death penalty is the harshest available government punishment for the big crimes like murder, terrorism, and others. Historically, Capital Punishment has been used in almost every parts of the world. Currently, the large majority of countries have either abolished or discontinued the practice. Several countries like Iraq, Pakistan, North Korea, China, and the USA retain the death penalty in both law and practice. It is legal in thirty-one states and illegal in nineteen states in the United States of America. Capital punishment has always been a debatable …show more content…

The other side says that the victims get justice when the felon is punished with death, and their families are consoled as death is the ultimate punishment. However, capital punishment only continues the violence. The only thing that matters to the victims is to get their loved one back, which the death of the criminal cannot do. Also, the death penalty process is traumatizing for them and they regret being involved in the process because it reopens their wounds after years. The death penalty does not help according to 63 family members of murder victims who stated in a letter to the New Jersey legislature:
We are family members and loved ones of murder victims. We desperately miss the parents, children, siblings, and spouses we have lost. We live with the pain and heartbreak of their absence every day and would do anything to have them back. We have been touched by the criminal justice system in ways we never imagined and would never wish on anyone. Our experience compels us to speak out for the change. Though we share different perspectives on the death penalty, every one of us agrees that New Jersey’s capital punishment system does not work, and that our state is better off without it (Cromie and Zott …show more content…

One cannot deny that maintaining the prisoners with food, health care and other basic needs is expensive, but the long and complex judicial process makes the capital punishment more expensive. The cost of defense and prosecution of the prisoner with the death penalty is almost three times higher than that of non- death penalty prisoner. Each year, hundreds of million dollars are spent on the death penalty cases which could be better be used in providing support to the victims’ families. It also directly affects the economy of government. The cost of death penalty are different according to the states, California being the most expensive state. According to the fact sheet organized by Death Penalty Information Center, the cost of the death penalty in California has totaled over four billion dollars since 1978 and if the Governor commuted the sentences of those remaining on death row to life parole, it would result in an immediate savings of 170 million dollars per year, with the savings of 5 billion dollars over the next 20 years (“Costs of Death Penalty”, 2010). Besides that, the provision death penalty is discriminated against the poor because they cannot afford effective, high powered lawyers. Hundreds of people are put to death across the USA every year, the evidence suggests that the poorest are paying the highest price. A study found that the average cost of defending a

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