Capitain Jack and The Empire Island

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Four landing boats were launched, each filled to capacity with eager crew. Captain Jackson stood at the prow of the first boat. The Hands of the Empire each stood at the prow of the others, with Sid accompanying Warren.
The Hands of the Empire had given orders that they were to be the first to climb from the landing boats and wade ashore, followed by Captains Jackson and Daniels, and then his crew. One crew member from each landing boat carried the banner of the Empire - oak wood poles bearing the crest of the Empire and the hallowed rune of Di-an.
They were all eager to explore, as it meant time away from their duties and away from the ship.
“This is not a secure location,” Captain Jackson muttered
Warren agreed. “That is why one of our Hand, Matthew Simpson, remains aboard,” he whispered back. “He is a Hand veteran. I trust him fully.”

A signal cannon is fired from one of the Thane Levant. Birds scatter into the air from the jungle -- but then silence, complete and ominous. All eyes stare into the jungle. Nothing. No one to greet them.
Jackson looks at The Hands of the Empire, bu...

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