Cannabis Plant Research Paper

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Marijuana is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant. The main ingredient that gets you “high” is THC. Tetra Hydra Cannabinol or “THC” is a chemical responsible for the euphoria and psychoactive effects. There are 3 types of Cannabis plants and they all server their different purposes. Indica is described by marijuana users to be very relaxing and produces sedative effects. The Indica Cannabis plant leaves are short and stubby. Sativa on the other hand produces opposite effects. Marijuana users described it as a uplifting and creative buzz. A good sativa should feel as stimulating as a strong cup of coffee. The Sativa Cannabis plant leaves are long and thin opposed to the Indica plant. Lastly the ruderalis plant is what scientists call Hemp. Ruderalis or “hemp” is the non psycho active plant. Although it still has THC, it has very low amounts to be useful for psycho active effects. Hemp is used more for nutrients, and serves as a sustainable source for paper products and fuel and much more. As of 2017 there are more than 800 known strains but scientists continue to cross breed new strains every year. Cross breeding is getting two different strains of marijuana genetics from both plants to create a different strain. When you cross breed an Indica with sativa, you get what is called a “Hybrid”. …show more content…

Coastal farmers brought marijuana to Korea from 2,000 BC to 1,000 BC. From here an Indian group called the Aryans invaded the region and took some back home to Asia. Throughout this time marijuana began to spread to Europe and all over the world. Now marijuana is found almost anywhere in the world and very easy to find. This doesn’t stop it from being an illegal substance though. In 1930, marijuana became illegal as well as many other recreational drugs. Although still illegal under federal law, 29 states as if 2017 have legalized marijuana for either recreational use, medicinal or

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