Cancellation Test Essay

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Since the statement is not contradictory, the Cancellation test shows that statement (b) is not an entailment (a).
Reinforcement: “She has a great personality but I am not in love with Sally.”
Again, the Reinforcement test shows that (b) is not redundant and therefore not an entailment of (a).

In this case, Person B is flouting the Maxim of Relevance in a very obviously manner in order to show that the speaker is trying to implicate something. The Maxim of Relevance is where you should only say what is relevant. Person B is mentioning a comment about Sally that is not relevant to the question in order to be polite.
Additionally, Person B is violating the Maxim of Quantity for the sake of politeness. The Maxim of Quantity is where you should …show more content…

This maxim asserts that the speaker should be brief, clear, and orderly. The speaker is flouting one of the submaxim of brevity in order to avoid being blunt. Person A is able to make the correct inference (“I am not in love with Sally”) without an awkward or unpleasant situation arising if Person B had made a blunt assertion.

1. Cancellation: “It was alright - in fact I think it was a great concert.”
The cancellation test indicates that (b) is not an entailment of (a) since it can be cancelled. Entailments cannot be cancelled but it is possible for conversational implicatures.
Reinforcement: “It was alright and I did not think it was a great concert.”
We see that the statement is not redundant and further shows that (b) is not an entailment of …show more content…

A presupposition is if S (sentence) is asserted, then we take P (presupposition) for granted by something that is already known by the addressee. There are three tests for presupposition: negation (not-S), question (S?), and conditional (if S…then). If the statement still holds for all three sentences, then it is a presupposition. Entailments and conversational implicatures don’t necessarily survive the tests but presuppositions can still be inferred.
Negation: My dog is not black.
Question: My dog is black?
Conditional: If my dog is black then I will have black fur everywhere.
The three sentences all survive the test and all presuppose that “I have a dog”.

b. Only Fred likes calamari +> “Fred likes calamari”

Conditional: If only Fred likes calamari, then we should not go eat there.
We see from the family of tests that “Fred likes calamari” fails all three sentences. Therefore, this is an entailment where the truth value of “Fred likes calamari” is dependent on the truth value of “Only Fred likes calamari”.

c. Sally fell and skinned her knee +> “Sally skinned her knee when she fell”

Since the family of sentences test fails, it cannot be a presupposition. We can conclude that “Sally skinned her knee when she fell” is an entailment since it does not survive the family of sentences test.

d. It’s raining outside +> “The speaker has evidence that it’s raining

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