Canadian International Trade

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Canadian International Trade

Canada is great economic superpower that has yet to reach its potential. As the second largest nation by area, we possess vast natural resources. We are a massive importer and exporter on the world stage, who a play a vital role in the stability of the northern hemisphere. Through Canada’s international trade, we export vast quantities of many different foods stuffs, minerals and manufactured goods like cars, while we tend to import lots of Iron, Aluminum and Steel. Our relations with neighbouring nations have been integral in the success of our trade. In 1994 Canada became a member of the North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA with the US and Mexico. NAFTA reorganized Canada’s and America’s trading systems to work as one. The trade issue of recent months is about the rising costs of energy in Canada and in the United States. Newly elected President George W. Bush now is proposing a North American energy initiative for a continental power grid. This proposal puts Canada in a very uncomfortable situation. On the one hand we would love to share our resources and appease our super-power to the south. But on the other we prefer to leave our pristine land alone. The growing trend nowadays is that politicians are the ones wanting to please the Americans by giving away our resources, while it is the activist who is concerned about the vast environmental damage this energy legislation could entail.

The composition and structure of Canada’s trade is an ever changing entity. We are one of the chief lumber exporters in the world. We posses vast oil fields in Alberta, where there are about three-hundred billion barrels of oil as opposed to only two-hundred and sixty in Saudi Arabia. Grains are ex...

... middle of paper ... tempered by their desire to be a wealthy nation as well. Becoming a wealthy nation means becoming economically dependant on the US. Foreign ownership is on the rise in Canada, our vast natural resources up for grabs by the energy hungry US and there are less and less restrictions every day for trade within North America. NAFTA has created a good environment for Canada thrive, exports are increasing and we are exporting a safe amount, as not to deplete or decimate any one of our natural resources. Canada is in a good position. We have a small population, great resources and neighbours who have an insatiable need for our goods. Unfortunately this may mean giving up some of our Canadian identity, as if that hasn’t already happened. Yes, our import and exports are mainly to one country, the US, but why not be dependant on the most powerful nation on the planet, ever.

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