CEO and Board of Directors: Annual Business Plans for a Company

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Mr. John Doe the ASCIANO Executive Leadership Team as Chief Financial Officer on 18 February 2013 replacing Mr. Miguel Jose.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of ASCIANO LIMITED Company is most important role to run the company he/she work in the company as member of executive team. CFO is a business partner of CEO in the company and CFO has responsibility to provide an accurate report which based on present time and historical financial information of the company. CFO provides the critical financial and operational information to the CEO in the board of directors meeting and according to his/her company takes present and future financial decisions. He/she assess performance of the company beside equally the annual budget and company’s long-term strategy. He/she also engage the issues of board finance, company audit and investment committees issues.

The stakeholders in the company, such as shareholder, analysts, employees, management, creditors, supplier and other members are relies on the accurate and timeliness of the information which is provided by CFO financial report.


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