Bystander Effect

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Has your mother ever told you if your friend jumps off a cliff will you jump to? Well that is called diffusion of responsibility and bystander effect. Diffusion of responsibility is where a person is less likely to take responsibility for actions or inaction when others is present for example at school when there’s a fight in the middle of the quad and nobody jumps in because they notice that nobody’s stopping them so why should I that’s diffusion of responsibility the greater the number of people present; the less likely people are to help a person in distress. The bystander effect is quite similar the bystander effect is when people take no action in an emergency situation when others are present and are less likely to offer help to a victim Throughout the book she focusses on the evolution of the century’s most important concerns; free will, authoritarianism, conformity and morality. Slater also mentions many important psychologist and their experiments. While reading through chapters one experiment in particular stood out, psychologists named John Darley and Bibb Latańe experimented in people’s behavior they devised a series of experiments where they tested people’s conditions to ignore others in a serious cry. Similar compared to Milgram’s experiment while Milgram was researching in obedience to authority and Darley and Latańe were looking for the opposite; what happens when, or in a group crisis there is no authority to take Darley and Latańe constructed there first experiment called Smoke-filled room it occurred in a room with a vent, they recruited two collage actors they were both asked to sit in the room with other college students who were to take a questionnaire on collage life. When the smoke raised from the vent to act normal and see how the college students would respond. The smoke wised up slowly the two college actors were instructed to keep filling out their forms and display no fear what so ever. A couple of minutes later the smoke started pouring, coming out faster from the vent. It resulted in only student reported the smoke to the experimenter down the hall within four minutes, only three out of twenty-four reported the smoke; this shows that people tend to respond to a crisis less in a larger

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