Bullying Persuasive Essay

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After you’ve killed yourself, do they even care? Will time cover the guilt they feel if they have any at all? Will they ever truly pay for what they have caused? I’m talking about bullies, and suicide victims. Everyone has experienced bullying, but on what level. For some people its just something they can brush off of their shoulder, but for others it could mean ending their life. People are pushed so close to the edge of the cliff. They would rather jump off rather than walk away from the edge, only to be pushed back again. I’m sure everyone has given up on something, but for how many people was that thing life itself? No one needs to feel that giving up on life is their best option if not only option. Of course there are consequences set in place already, but they just aren’t enough. How many people have heard the saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but words do not hurt me?” Many people have, but how much of that is true? Bullying is an ongoing problem. Without a suitable punishment, nothing will change. Matters could only get worse. Legal measures should be taken to ensure the safety, and comfort of a person. Most people don’t understand the seriousness of bullying. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in people ages ten through twenty four. About four thousand four hundred lives are lost every year due to bullying. Cyberbullying has become a major problem as technology has advanced, and more teens have been using social media. About forty two percent of teens with access to the internet admit to being cyberbullied, within the past year. About half of them have had suicidal thoughts, and 1 in 10 have attempted it. When teens are cyberbullied, in most states there isn’t much you can do about it. Eighty six p... ... middle of paper ... ... just some people who need help. Either way they need to be punished. There needs to be a stop to bullying. Of course you can’t possibly stop bullying completely but you sure can get the numbers down. We need to make schools safer. School is for learning, not being tortured. American schools as a whole contain approximately 2 million one hundred thousand bullies, and two million seven hundred thousand bully victims. It is estimated that one hundred sixty thousand children miss school every day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students. Also, “fifteen percent of all school absenteeism is directly related to fears of being bullied at school.”(MBNBD) Also bullying can lead to dropping out of high school. One out of ten students who drop out of school do it because of being bullied constantly. Having legal punishment such as fines, jail time probation, and

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