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This essay discusses my opinion of bulling.I want to tell you what I think about bulling. I'll just give you the simple things for right now, I never like bullying and never will I never got the point of bulling in the first place like I mean whats the whole point of it, you might think "what are you talking about bullying will get me attention it will it will let me go with the cool kids ;-)" well you're only thinking about yourself you're being selfish you may get what you wanted but while you're over there enjoying yourself the other kid that got picked on wishes this could stop.However the bully doesn't care what happens to the kid.
Then again over 3.2 billion students are victims of bullying and usually the boys are the boys not really girls 1 out of 10 students drop out of school because they can't take the pain of being bulling everyday.These small facts I got from www.dosomething.org/facts/11-facts-about-bulling. Not many kids go for help because they are afraid that if they go tell someone, the person that they went to talk to will talk to the bullies and the bullies are going to get even more mad for telling on them and they are going to bully them even more than before.I know the pain and struggle of being bullied , I know cause I've seen it and I've been a victim of it.When I see someone getting bullied I get discussted I don't know I just get really mad.For example I have a friend that was messing around with my other friend boyfriend , she started beating him up because he wanted to see what the girlfriend had on her wrist because she wrote something and she didn't let him so he backed off but than the other friend got mad for some reason and smacked him from behind his head ...Really hard and I was like "dude what a...

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...ot beat up ... He had to go to the hospital because the pain went from it hurts to having a bruised rib, also if someone tells you, you're ugly , to fat, to skinny, or I don't know anything that makes you feel bad about yourself just say "pshh like if you're perfect.", and umm if you have an enemie just smile at them that's their weakness .Also if you're tired of being picked on just tell someone don't be scared don't be embarrassed it's the best and right thing to do for yourself.Another thing is when you have too much on your mind if its either anger, depression don't go for the knife or and thing that will hurts you.Go for something else draw it out if you don't want that sing it out, dance it out do something else beside sucide ideas or just lay on your bed and I don't know hear music. Make better chooses in life little one .Don't let the bad things get to you.

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