Building and Maintaining a High Level of Education

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There are two kids, both best friends. One of the friends, Dan, always does his homework and gets A’s on pretty much all of his tests and other assignments. The other friend, Fred, usually forgets that he was assigned homework and sleeps through most of his classes, getting C’s on most of his tests and assignments. They each live in a four person household, each having a ordinary mom, dad, and a sibling. Dan has a close relationship with a few of his favorite teachers and Fred could not care less about conversing with his teachers. Both boys grew up in similar circumstances and have been friends for as long as they can remember, but the boys each have different motivators and values in the effort they put into their education and future schooling. Fred’s parents work most of the time, leaving early in the morning and returning home close to supper time. Fred does not get much attention or motivation to work hard at school. Although his parents attended college, they do not take much time to show and explain the value and importance-- other than just for money-- for their son to take getting his education as a serious thing. He is not likely to know what he wants for his future.
On the other hand, Dan’s parents, who only earned their GED’s, stress to their son how important it is for him to strive to further education. They motivate him to do his best and from watching his parents work harder than most other college graduates. He creates close bonds with his teachers who, too, motivate him to go beyond what is being learned in class and help get him ready for college. He knows what he wants for his future because of the value his family has for education.
In a lot of ways, many young kids and adults are either supported and in...

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