Bud Light Case Study

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There is a lot of competition when it comes to advertising a company’s product because people are working hard to get their product to be the best seller and they are trying to find more innovative ways to do so. In order to make it easier, marketers target a specific group of people and focus on how to get their attention. A brand that does this well is Bud Light because in recent years they have started to shift their attention towards millennials. Their main audience was middle aged people but they have decided to change gears and target a different group because millennials, more specifically college students, are more likely to buy beer in bulk. Millennials are always in some way or form on social media and have easy access to information and companies use this to their advantage in order to get their brand across. Bud Light also uses different and engaging campaigns to grab the attention of their intended target. Bud Light has been targeting millennials because they are …show more content…

Millennials are focused very heavily on social issues and human rights and Bud Light has used that as marketing opportunity. They released a series of videos on their official Youtube channel starring Amy Schumer and Seth Rogan about the “Bud Light Party” which focused on social issues like gender identity and equal pay. They partnered up with Nike and Mini to further this campaign (Monllos, 2016). The reactions to the commercials was mostly negative as the videos has more dislikes than likes, but it did grab lots of media attention and the company gained a brand new market. This might not have been a smart move because by deciding to do this, Bud Light angered many of its original customers. Bud Light decided to target a new market (Millennials) and it worked because the videos have a lot of views and popularity grew even though they some of their old

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