Brute Force Essay

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Is it justify that police can use brute force to protect and serve the citizens of our country. Police brutality is a violation of the law because it violates the Eighth Amendment which prohibits the federal government from making more than normal bail, fines, or cruel and unusual punishment. First off what is excessive force? Excessive force is when an unreasonable force occurs when a law enforcement officer uses excessive force in making a lawful arrest. Whether force is reasonably necessary or excessive is measured by the force a reasonable and prudent law enforcement officer would use under the circumstances. “When an officer uses more force than what he needs to is illegal and against the law. Officers are train to stay calm in any sort of situation.”(ABC News)
No Law Enforcement Officer should use more force than he is required in order to make an arrest. According to the law an Officer is allowed to to use any sort of force necessary in any circumstance in order to make the arrest. Guidelines for the use of force are based on many factor including the number of experience a officer has. For …show more content…

No Officer should be allow to use more force than they are required to make an arrest. The example of the Holtzclaw case shows how Officers abuse their authority power to do what they please just because they got the law protecting them. Many protester are fighting to making sure that Officers faces punishment as well for there crimes. The rates of Police Officers killing and hurting the communities is increasing year by year. The system in the United States are better understanding how they need to work things out. With modern technology now capturing video of Police brutality going on. The people have a voice and there rights for equal protection,but how can you be protected when the people that are train to serve and protect you is the one doing the damage, who do you

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