British Influence On The Declaration Of Independence

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Many important documents from the past have a significant impact on our nation and how it has molded into what we are today. However, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights have influenced our nation the most. The Declaration of Independence pointed out all the wrongs of the British and explained how American government would deviate from the British reign. These ideas were more thoroughly explained in The Constitution through promises of individual freedom, overall equality, and the consistent pursuit of unity. The Bill of Rights provided an upfront list of the rights on an American so that everyone could easily understand what they are promised. After writing the Declaration of Independence, the founding fathers heavily relied on these wrongs to explain that they would provide an improved government in America, compared to the British, which would contain the “unalienable rights” of every American. …show more content…

The sole purpose of The Declaration of Independence was to provide a list of examples of the wrongdoings of the British including “He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people”(Declaration of Independence), which bluntly states a main abuse of the British. They also hurt the colonies but cutting off trade from some parts of the world and imposing taxes on the colonists without their consent. If this superpower would not have been so harsh, then the colonies would have no valid argument to declare their independence and no ambition to start fresh. These abuses fueled and directed how Americans wanted their government to be run with a list of rights for

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