Brief Case Study

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First and foremost grief is not an easy task to deal with. Everyday someone is grieving weather they lost their pet, husband or wife, or family member in a tragic disaster or by natural causes. Along with grief comes with five stages which are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance but in no particular order (Axelrod, J., 2014). We have to realize that death is a cinch and somewhere down the line we all will have to deal with it. First on Mrs. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross grief list is denial. Denial is most likely going to be anyone’s response to hearing about a death in the family, especially if it sudden and the person were not sick and had perfect health (Axelrod, J., 2014). This is normally built off of our reactions trying to explain to our …show more content…

It is ok it is not your fault you are just getting closer to the fact that you are accepting that your love one has passed on. Next to the last stage of grief will have to be depression. Along with depression come with two types the first one is the sadness and worrying about the cost of funeral expenses and whatever else that there is that needs to be handled. This phase can be cleared up by getting everything in order and making sure that it is verified. During this time we might need them words of sympathy that we did not want to here during our anger phase to help comfort us. The second stage of depression is saying our actual goodbyes. This may not be easy so having a family member or close friend to talk to or shoulder to cry might be a great option. Acceptance, stage five, let me be the first to say that again it might take you years to reach this stage or even months not everyone is the same. This phase is reached when the person has come to a conclusion of withdrawal. This is most certainly not a time of happiness and joy but of being at peace with one. Sometimes ill parents or grandparents might reach this stage

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