Breast Milk Research Paper

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I chose the topic on breastmilk but it is a very controversial topic with many different opinions. Breast milk is very healthy for an infants through the six months of life and it is recommend until the infant is a year old. The breastfeeding infant will be receive the best nutrition that would not be found in a can of formula. Breastmilk is convenient because it doesn’t require to be made or to be warmed up. Breastfeeding meets all the nutritional needs for the growing infant.

Breast feeding has been around for a very long time and is the safest way to feed an infant. The production of breast milk depends on the volume the infant consumes the breast milk. Breastmilk is so nutritious form of food for newborns. Newborn first feeding should be started with breast milk. Breastmilk and formula contain a few nutrients that are similar to each other but formula only helps to promote development in an infant. Formula does not contain antibodies, hormones, fats, vitamins and enzymes that breastmilk contains. In “History of Baby Formula- How Emergency Baby Food Became an Everyday Meal for Babies In America,” the author points out, “Baby formula was never intended to be consumed on the widespread basis that it is today” (“History"). This lets me know that. Formula was solely made for an emergency source for examples if mother passed away during labor or if some reason mother is unable to produce milk or get a baby to latch on. Another good beneficial of using breast milk is that free and not expensive as formula. Some mother have difficult having a baby latch on but you can always use a breast pump. By using the breast …show more content…

Breastfeeding will always remain the best and the nutritious way of feeding a baby. The most important thing about breastfeeding is the bond the mother and baby will receive that you can not experience with

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