Breast Cancer

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Breast cancer’s a group of cells that are cancer cells called malignant. Malignant is a tumor, which starts in parts of the breast. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death for women but not as bad of a death for men. Males or females, are born with some breast cells and tissues that have the possibility to turn into cancer cells. (“Definition.”)
Any type of cancer begins in the cells. The cells are the basic building blocks that’ll make the tissue. If the process of cell growth goes wrong then new cells will form with in the body. Whenever the cells form within the body it’s because the body no longer needs them cells because they’ve became old and damaged, and old and damaged cells won’t die. When the damaged cells won’t die, it becomes a build up of cells that form a mass of tissues called a tumor, mass, or growth. (“Causes.”) Breast cancer will occur when malignant tumors begin to develop inside the breast. These cells can then spread by breaking away the original tumors and by entering blood or lymph vessels, which’ll then branch the tissues throughout the entire body. Cancer cells can travel to other parts of the human body. Cancer begins by damaging tissues and organs, that process that body. If the damaged tissues and organs process the body it’s called metastasis. (“Form.”)
Once you’re diagnosed with breast cancer and you’re sure that you have a malignant tumor, oncologists will determine the staging to understand how far the cancer has spread. Understanding the stage helps understand the treatment you’ll have to take to help with your cancer. The staging is based on the size of the tumor. The tumor found under the arms are axillary tumors, and it indicates whether or not breast cancer spread through the bo...

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...eded. The glands and ducts that produces milk are the most common areas in the body to develop cancerous cells. Very rare cancer cases begins within the fat. The fat section is the stromal tissue. Breast cancer occurs in the only surrounding lymphs, mainly under the arm. (“Cancerous.”)
Ancient Egyptians noted breast cancer first. Being the first to note it. The disease was noted more than 3,000 years ago. One of the main descriptions were described as tumors of the breast with no type of cure to cure it. In B.C 460, christians judged the “Western Medicine”.” “Breast cancer was described as a humoral disease.” (“Egyptians.”) Cancer was named καρκίνος, which stands for crab. Breast cancer tumors have tentacles, like the legs of a crab. (“Stands.”) Doctors thought that the reason cancer was caused was because of black bile.

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