Bread and Puppet Theatre and the Audience

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Bread and Puppet Theatre and the Audience

The name of the Bread and Puppet Theatre hails from the custom of sharing freshly baked bread with the theatre visitors to symbolise that art should be an everyday ritual for everyone just like eating bread.` We give you a piece of bread with the puppet show because our bread and theatre belong together. For a long time the theatre arts have been separated from the stomach. Theatre was entertainment.` (Peter Schumann, Bread & Puppet official website). The foremost goal of this theatre is to raise feelings of sensitivity in the viewer and to outline what the terms 'good' and 'evil' mean, especially in political spheres. This reflects the use of the audience as being used to create this form of emotion within the performanceset up, this is done through the raising the elements of sensitivity within their audience. Theatre also places a huge emphasis on the education and popularisation of art. Artists expressing their pacifistic views, strongly opposed to the war in Vietnam, and the enormous dolls created by Schumann have since become a permanent feature in many pacifistic demonstrations. Theatre critiques racial discrimination, deaf royal of natural habitats, compulsory military service and globalism. The theatre spectacles take the role of mentors who teach is lessons of morality - they are full of symbolism, archetypes and they refer to the bible, mythology and folklore.` ìWe believe in puppet theatre as a wholesome and powerful language that can touch men and women and children alike, and we hope that our plays are true and are saying what has to be said, and that they add to your enjoyment and enlightenment ` (Robert Schumann, Bread & Puppet Theatre official website). They focus on en...

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... S. (1970) `The Cry of the People for Meat`, The Drama Review: TDR, 14 (3), pp.52-76, JSTOR [Online]. Available at: (Accessed : 28 January 2011)

3. Brown H. and Seitz J. (1967) `With the Bread & Puppet Theatre: An Interview with Peter Schumann`, The Drama Review: TDR, 12 (2), pp. 62-73, JSTOR [Online]. Available at: (Accessed : 28 July 2011 )

4. Democracy Now TV, An interview with Peter Schumann by Amy Godman, 2014, Available at: (Accessed : 23 January 2014)

5. Hamilton, R. (1983) The Bread and Puppet Theatre of Peter Schumann: History and analysis Indiana University.

6. Hofman, S.(1989) The Audience as Actor and Character London: Associated University Presses

7. Jones G.L (1985) Bertolt Brecht published by Gwasg Gee in Dinbych

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