The World State In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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Brave New World is a novel that revolves around a utopian society called the World State. The society is meant to be seen as a perfect world where everyone 's needs can be satisfied and the goal is to maintain an overall happy nation where people are content with their current position in their society However, this can be seen as ironic for various reasons including that this society is far from what many consider to be a perfect one. The World State contrasts to our current society in many ways, yet, it also compares to it in separate aspects. In addition, many World State ideas are mirrored by the terrorist group known as ISIS.
Our society today, as it develops, seems to be becoming more and more like the World State described in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World.” One very obvious and evident similarity between both the Brave New World and the world we live in today is the existence of different economic classes with widening gaps in their economic conditions and social gaps. The society in Brave New World is split into five castes: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons. This is very similar to how our society is split into distinct economic classes such as high, …show more content…

Despite this I believe there is at least one thing from that fictional utopian society that should be implemented in our world and I believe that is the strive to make everyone happy. However, I don’t agree with the approach that the World State took in achieving this. The World State was successful in managing this because they predestined the lives of people by making everyone a test tube baby and through the use of soma. Everyone was brainwashed into being the person they ended up being, but in the end, everyone was happy. I believe we should attempt to do this in our world, but with a completely different

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