Contemporary Parallels in 'A Brave New World'

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A Brave New World depicts a very strange world that if thought about carefully seems eerily similar to the world we live in today. The main premise of this society is to keep everybody happy. "That is the secret of happiness and virtue-liking what you 've got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people like their inescapable social destiny." With the rapid evolution of the 1st world in just the past 10 years and the addition of wireless internet, easily accessible media, and phones that have rapidly improved in such a short period of time. With all this change, the strange oddities of Huxley 's satire are becoming more apparent in everyday life.
Most of the 1st world is succeeding in creating perfect population divisions, with 90% stuck in a frenzy of consuming materials, with the remaining 10% to manipulate prices and laws for the rest of the world. Not only does the 1st world match the World State we surpass them. While our world does not use genetic modification or hypnopedia to keep the masses in control, we use indoctrination, tradition and religions. These facts create a need for happiness with "essential ' supplies for it, in our modern society these would include a car, a TV or two, a laptop, and whatever the most recent iPhone may be. We as a society find these to be the …show more content…

Through our entertainment and social media, we have seen the growth of buying things we don’t need, some of which do not exist in the physical world. The death of privacy through social media keeping everyone “LinkedIn” with everyone else. While this is a startling progression to the World State, it’s early enough for us to change the path we’re on. So cancel your pre-order for Fallout 4 and go for a hike, and heck give that 60 dollars to someone in need. Together we can make the world a happy

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