Brand And Consumer-Brand's Impact On Consumer And Brand Satisfaction

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Impact of brand awareness on consumer/brand loyalty:
A study of instant Noodles
Faculty Guide: Dr.Kshamta Chauhan
Multifarious products and services are available to all consumers, and these products and services are identified by their images (perceptions/associations) and, popular brand names. The word Brand is buzzing into the information age. Brands are bigger than ever, but as a result it is also true that more than ever is expected of them. In today’s world a brand occupies a space on the consumer landscape much like that of a person. Hence, we can state that brand plays a highly significant role in selection of a product by the consumer. There are several factors which influence the consumer’s choice in order to select the particular …show more content…

A good image enhances the value of the brand in the eyes of the consumer by increasing its likeability/desirability and differentiating it from other competing brands. The outcome of the favourable image is the increase in loyalty, equity, consumer buying behavior and overall performance of brand. Brand image is measured in terms of benefits a brand is offering or some attributes the brand is having or the usage of the brand.
H5: Brand image has a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty.
Packaging is used to communicate with the consumer. Packaging is the only thing that communicate a message about the product to buyer in the store” (Gonzalez et al., 2007). It is used to protect the product from damages during shipping and transferring product from one place to another. Consumers are sensitive and don’t want such packaging which carries germs or infections as consumers are used to check/evaluate it by appearance of the products and ensuring the quality of the product before making a purchase decision.
H6: Packaging and product quality have a positive and significant impact on customer

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