Botox Research Paper

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Anyone who is looking for a way to battle the signs of aging has likely looked at Botox injections. These facial injectibles can reduce the appearance of frown lines, crow's feet, and other wrinkles. If you are interested in Botox, you should learn more about it.

How does Botox work?

Botox is a substance produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacteria. It blocks signals between the nerves and the muscles. This causes the muscle to stop contracting. In large amounts, this toxin can cause botulism, a potentially deadly form of food poisoning. However, in small amounts, it is very useful for various medical procedures.

The Botox facial injectibles insert a small, diluted amount of the botulinum toxin into specific areas of the face. This causes the underlying muscle to stop …show more content…

It only takes a few minutes for a Botox injection. The doctor will carefully insert the needle into the muscle that you want to have treated. You should experience only a momentary prick from the needle. There may be a spot of blood, but that is easily dabbed away.

The full effects of these injections usually show up within seven days after injection.

How long does a single Botox treatment last?

Most patients see the results of the treatment last for four to six months. As the toxin wears off, the muscles will regain their ability to contract again. This will cause the fine lines and wrinkle's to reappear. This is when re-treatment will be needed.

One thing noted by many patients is that, over time, the lines and wrinkles become less apparent, even when the Botox wears off. This is because the skin is not being subjected to constant contraction over time.

Are there any side effects of from treatment?

The most common side effect from a Botox treatment is a bit of bruising around the injection site. This usually disappears within a day or two after treatment.

On a rare occasion, a patient may experience a headache. These usually go away within a day or

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