Argumentative Essay

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Can you get pleasure out of so much pain? This is the common question you would ask yourself if you were considering getting your body pierced.
Body piercing has been around for thousands of years. People used to have body piercings for idol worship. For instance, in the Bible, Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, told all the people to cast off all of their body piercing jewelry because it was displeasing to God. He said that people were making a temple of their body and worshipping themselves and their bodies were for God and not themselves. Now in the twenty-first century, it is mainly used for a trendy, rebellious look. No matter what reason you are doing it for, you are probably going to feel the pain from your choice. …show more content…

If you are one of the few that thinks that it doesn’t hurt then your choice is a little easier. Do people really want to be in style so much that they are willing to deal with this pain? Pain is not the only consequence that comes from it. Infection is another risk involved with body piercing. An employer might see the piercings as looking unprofessional and may think the person looks irresponsible. The majority of people getting piercings are the younger generation that probably do not care what their employer thinks. They are doing it to express their individuality and showing that they are on the cutting edge of

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