Blum's Health Model Essay

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Blum’s Model on Determinants of Health We all know or heard about health problems that are on the rise in our communities: Diabetes, heart disease, asthma, cancer and obesity… and we all know what is causing these problems: lack of good nutrition (not enough fruit and vegetables in our meals), inactivity, smoking, long hours in the office, stress and drinking. But, are we doing enough to stop the rising number of health problems? And is the lack of access to quality medical services is as crucial to our health and well-being as we think? In 1974, Blum proposed the “Determinants of Health" model, categorizing all factors that may affect our health into four main fields: The environment the biggest contributor to our health followed by life style as the second big contributor, then heredity (Genetics) as the third factor, then the fourth and last factor impacting individual 's health and well-being as an access to health care services. Let 's talk about this model and each field and its effects on our health in some more details… 1. The Environment. The major contributor field in Blum 's model and it compasses several forceful factors on any individual 's health, including the physical, socioeconomics, socio-political and …show more content…

Although there is so little that can be done to change those inherited genes that an individual may have, scientific research has proved that for every possible disease affecting humans ' well-being there is a genetic component where the body responds. The main point in genetics reactions is whether we activate a gene response or we keep it inactive by following healthy lifestyle choices. The science and research on genetics is expanding and this field will help in the development and advances of health science, which will greatly contribute to the enhancement of individuals ' well-being (Durch, Bailey, and Stoto

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