Bladder Stone Research Paper

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Bladder Stone

A bladder stone is a buildup of crystals made from the proteins and minerals found in urine. These substances build up when your urine becomes too concentrated. Bladder stones usually develop when you have another medical condition that prevents your bladder from emptying completely. Crystals can form in the small amount of urine left in your bladder.
Bladder stones that grow large can become painful and block the flow of urine.

Bladder stones can be caused by:
• An enlarged prostate, which prevents the bladder from emptying well.
• A urinary tract infection (UTI).
• A weak spot in the bladder that creates a small pouch (bladder diverticulum).
• Nerve damage that may interfere with the messages from your brain …show more content…

A cystoscope is inserted through the urethra and into the bladder to view the stone. A laser, ultrasound, or other device is used to break the stone into smaller pieces. Fluids are used to flush the small pieces from the area.
• Surgical removal. You may need surgery to remove the stone if it is large and causing pain. A small incision is made in the bladder to directly remove the stone.
• If the stone blocks the flow of urine, you may have a thin, flexible tube (stent) threaded into your ureter. The stent may be left in place after removal of a stone to ensure flow of urine until healing is complete.

• Drink enough fluid to keep your urine clear or pale yellow.
• Report unusual urinary symptoms to your health care provider. Early diagnosis of an enlarged prostate and other bladder conditions may reduce your chance of getting bladder stones.
• Avoid smoking and illegal drug use.

• You have a fever.
• You feel nauseous or vomit.
• You are unable to urinate.
• You have a large amount of blood in your urine.

• You have severe back pain or lower abdominal pain.
• You are vomiting and cannot keep down any medicines or water.

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