Black Holes

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Black Holes It has been proven that black holes are not so invincible; they can emit radiation, and therefore loose mass (due to E=MC²). Calculations have confirmed that black hole ought to emit particles and radiation as if it were a hot body with a temperature that depends only on the black hole’s mass, they are inversely proportional: the larger the mass of a black hole the lower it’s temperature. The answer is that the particles do not come from within the black hole, but from the “empty” space just outside the black hole’s event horizon. This understood in the following way: what is thought as “empty” space cannot be completely empty, because this would mean that all the fields, such as the gravitational and electromagnetic fields would have to be exactly zero. However, due to the uncertainty principle (which states that the more accurately you measure the position of a particle in space, the less accurately you could measure its velocity) the field in “empty” space cannot be fixed at exactly zero, because it would then have a precise velocity (zero). Therefore there must be a certain minimum amount of uncertainty in the value of the field. Due to scientific theory every matter particle has an opposite match; or if you like an antiparticle. If these particles are seen as matter particles, then one of the partners of the particle/antiparticle pair will have positive energy, and the other negative energy. The one with negative energy will be condemned to be a short-lived virtual particle

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