Birth Defect Research Paper

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No one is immune to birth defects, yet not everyone is equally susceptible. Birth defects can, and do happen to anyone, regardless of age,gender, race & economic status. Birth defects occur in one out of 28 baby, there are about 3000 different birth defects. Birth defects are the leading cause of infant death and a major cause of disability in young people. Birth defects are not merely a medical problem, but still some Researcher has profound cause of birth defects can be genetic, a prenatal environment and behavior, exposure to certain medicine and chemicals or a combination of these factors. However, the chemicals cause certain birth defects often unknown. The mother or father may pass or genetic abnormalities to a baby. Genetic birth defects are often cannot be prevented. A defects may be present throughout the family history. A researcher has found five common types of birth defects that caused by genetics …show more content…

Certain behaviors, like smoking, drug, and alcohol greatly increases the risk of defects. Other factors, such as exposure to environmental toxins, medications, or infections also increase risk. For instance, excessive maternal alcohol consumption often causes fetal alcohol syndrome, which is characterized defects of major organs, abnormal facial features, and mental retardation. Similarly, smoking during pregnancy has been lined to an increased risk of stillbirths, low birth weight. All of which can be fix with little effort. The issue of birth defects has been a growing problem is all around the world, researchers found more than thousand different types of birth defects. Some birth defects cause infant death and major disability, also some birth defects are not only medical problem, Birth defect can cause by genetic, a prenatal environment and behavior. Some chemical cause a certain birth defect to unknown and not treatable. Also. Healthy lifestyle ensures healthy

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