Bipolar Disorder : A Psychological Disorder

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Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder that causes irregular stages of happiness and depression. It is characterized as a mood disorder, which is a psychological disorder categorized by the increase or decrease of a person 's mood. Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression illness. Having this disorder will cause you to have emotional highs and lows. When you are at your “low point” you may feel depressed, sad, and desperate. When your mood shifts to your “high point” you may feel joyful and full of energy, this is known as mania or hypomania. These mood shifts can happen as often as numerous times a week or they may only happen a few times a year.
A manic episode is a period of unusual emotion that causes you to be overly joyful, full of energy, and cause you to be excessively confident. To diagnose a manic episode the mood must be severe enough to be causing difficulty at work, school, family, relationships, or social events. If it requires hospitalization to avoid harm to oneself or anyone else it can also be classified as a manic episode. When someone is having a manic episode it can be recognized by rapid speech (making it hard for any one else to get a word in), and very high self esteem. The person will be very hyperactive and may not get much sleep. He or she may say that they are rich and have lots of money to buy elaborate things, when yet they most likely have little to no money at all. A person whom is having a manic episode may be willing to just give away valuables or go spend all the money that they have due to poor decisions. A manic episode will last for at least one week and can last up to a few months at a time, ending suddenly. A hypomanic episode is a milder episode of mania. It is...

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...plenty of exercise throughout the week.
If you have bipolar disorder you may also have another condition that was diagnosed before or after the diagnostics of bipolar disorder. Anxiety disorders, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Addiction or substance abuse, and Physical health problems, such as heart disease, thyroid problems, or obesity, all of these which are commonly found in individuals whom have bipolar disorder. If you have one or more of these conditions then it is necessary to get medical treatment. Also having another condition may interfere with treatment for bipolar disorder.
There 's no guaranteed way to avoid having bipolar disorder. Nonetheless, getting treatment at the first symptom of a mental health disorder can help prevent bipolar disorder or other mental health disorders from worsening.

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