Biopiracy Essay

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Biopiracy is a problem faced by developing countries whereby national corporations, industries and government organizations make use of their natural resources without recompensing the countries from which the resources are taken from. These developing countries are rich in biodiversity and offer potential for corporations to make money. This is why these countries are a target. These corporations exploit the naturally occurring biological or genetic material, and may place patents that restrict its future use, without paying fair compensation to the community from which it originates. The problem that arises from this is that the communities value their biodiversity. The natural resources are of great importance to the local community. Biodiversity boosts the productivity of the ecosystem. Every single organism plays a role in ecosystem. The variation in species allows for a variety in produce produced. Biodiversity is important for humans and animals. Many plants are used for medicinal purposes. The more diverse an ecosystem, the more easy it is to access these resources. Locals rely on their biodiversity to sustain their livelihood. Most obtain their food and basic needs from the ecosystem around them. For the locals, biodiversity is a symbol of their wealth and status. By restricting their use of the land/biota around them, political issues may arise. International companies can place patents on local ‘inventions’, which are based on traditional resources or knowledge. A patent is a license or restraint placed by the government or international corporations in order to reserve the right or title of an invention for a set period of time, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using or selling the invention... ... middle of paper ... ...d methods they created. Biopiracy strips communities of their wealth by transferring the rights of the environment into the hands of the patent holder. As a result, the communities must spend what little wealth they have in order to procure the rights to products which are rightfully theirs. Another ethical issue which is evident is the fact that local people are not informed of the actions that companies take. Their indigenous knowledge is taken from without them agreeing. Companies therefore do not wait to receive an informed consent from the indigenous people. The indigenous people are manipulated by companies and corporations for the sake of profit. The main concern associated with the theft of indigenous knowledge (biopiracy) is the lack of compensation paid to locals, but also the manner in which the resulting products are marketed, mainly for profits-sake.

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