Biomass Energy

814 Words2 Pages

Significance of Biomass Energy
Thesis: Trees,corn,wheat,herb,algea,all organic waste like fruits and vegetables waste,droppings, fertilizer and food industry waste can be examples for biomass.Biomass is an important and ideal resource at since it is renewable.It can be produced everywehere and especially, it helps socio-economic development in the countryside.Using biomass gains importance to solve energy problems.

I. What is biomass energy?

II. The Advantages of Biomass Energy

III. Biomass Resources

IV. Gasification Ways

V. Environmental impacts

VI. Bio-fuels

Biomass start to being importanat in time.Because of this is that energy sources consume day by day and in todays world, people do their almost every works using energy sourses. For example, they go to work,school or their interview using car. That is, using cars mean using petrolium. The other example is electricty. We always use electricity in our life and thanks to biomass energy electricity is produced without environmental pollution.In other words, energy resources that are produced from biomass do not damage the environment and also they contribute environmental protection.
Biomass produced from corn, sugar beets, wheat, sugar cane, wood, organic waste,agriculture waste,energy plants,alges,animal waste,animal and vegetable oils.These biomass energy resources gassificate for fuel, electricity,heating,transportation vehicle and many such things.In the world, in the United States,in Mauritius,in Southeast Asia and in the UK where are the most common usage area of the biomass energy.Furthermore, Turkey have biomass potantial most area in its land.

Biomass Energy 4
What is Biomass Energy?
Historically, since the humans bur...

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...biomass energy is very usefull all places in our life. We can use electricity, fuels thanks to biomass energy without environmental pollution. Also, thanks to biomass energy people who live in the small towns without jop oportunity can have a job and by staying in towns they contribute socio-economy.

Works Cited
Temiz Enerji Vakfı,(2001 November) Biyokütle enerjisi ,Semra Türe
Temiz Enerji Vakfı,(2001 November), Biyogaz Atıklarından Enerji, Gökhab Demirci, Levent Türkavcı
(2007)Prairie Oak Publishing Maryville,Missouri ,Sustainable Ethanol, Jeffrey Goettemoeller and Adrian Goettemoeller
(2005) Aocs Press, The Biodiesel Handbook ,Gernard Knothe, Jürgen Krahl, Jon Gerpen

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