Biology Essay

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Santiago Rashad Dr. Singh Intro To Biology 2/20/13 Course Paper Introduction Biology, is quite the expansive field in the world of science. The term itself has its roots in Greek with “bios” meaning life and “logos” meaning study. The term itself refers to the study of all walks of life that occur in nature. It covers all of the grandeur of life from the various structures of cells and the materials that comprise living creatures to the make up of primeval cells of the past. It encompasses the vast strata of the life from the infinitesimally small cells to the the gargantuan blue whales and other leviathans of the world. Underneath the umbrella of biology are a bevy of unique disciplines such as: physiology, genetics, ecology, and morphology. At a fundamental level, all life begins on a microscopic scale. Cells, of which there are three possible typings, Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic, and Archea, are oft referred to as the quintessential building blocks of life. The Cell theory, as posited by Theodor Schwann, Matthias Schleiden, and Rudolph Virchow, is one of the key principles of biology. It states that all living organisms are composed of cells. A secondary concept of the theory is that “Cells arise from pre-existing cells.” This is an important trait to note because it serves as a brief allusion to the various forms of cellular reproduction such as binary fission and mitosis. The last posited claim of the theory and probably the most important assertion of the Cell Theory is that the cell functions as the basic unit of life. This assertion has so far only been corroborated by the research of scientists and thus serves as a rule of biology that is met with an universal consensus. Over the years a few more the modern version of ... ... middle of paper ... ...of ancient prokaryotes into eukaryotic cells which gives rise to the present-day model of life is wondrous enough, but the fact that the organelles work in such efficient harmony, seemingly directed like well crafted machinery is another ponderous development. The layout of life begins with the cell. Without it there is no life even on a microscopic level. To imagine that giant beasts of the Jurassic and Triassic periods such Triceratops and Liopleurodon being sharing the same base parts as some as infinitesimally small as an amoeba or a plankton is astonishing. What's more amazing though is the fact it is readily provable and verifiable. In the study of life, the make up of all creature is known at a basic level. Even without the the scientists to explain the facts, the facts themselves are immutable in terms of defining the make up and rules of existence of life.

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