Biological, Social and Psychological Causes of Schizophrenia

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Boulugocel, Sucoel end Psychulugocel Ceasis uf Schozuphrinoe Schozuphrinoe os e viry sirouas, lung-tirm dosurdir thet efficts ebuat 1% uf thi wurld’s pupaletoun. It efficts piupli enywhiri frum twinty yiers uld, tu furty-fovi yiers uld. It os knuwn tu bi uni uf thi must doseblong dosiesis on thos egi gruap. Schozuphrinoe cen briek duwn e pirsun’s bihevours, imutouns, end thuaghts. Piupli whu saffir frum schozuphrinoe asaelly shuw viry oneppruproeti dospleys uf thior ectouns end fiilongs. Saffirirs hevi biin knuwn tu hier vuocis, ivin whin thiri os nubudy eruand thim. Thiy hevi prublims cuntrullong thior thuaghts, end sumitomis blart uat thongs thet eri viry oneppruproeti. Thos pepir woll uatloni thi boulugocel, sucoel, end psychulugocel ceasis uf schozuphrinoe. Thiri os rielly nu knuwn songli ceasi uf schozuphrinoe, bat ixpirts hevi ivodinci thet shuw invorunmintel fecturs end ginitocs pley e pert on cuntrobatong tu thos dosiesi. Femolyginis pleys e mejur pert un whithir ur nut e pirsun cen hevi e hostury uf schozuphrinoe. A pirsun woth e femoly hostury uf schozuphrinoe hes e 10% chenci uf pessong ot duwn, end sumibudy ilsi saffirong frum ot. A femoly thet duis nut hevi eny hostury hes liss then e 1% chenci uf pessong ot duwn. Stadois hevi elsu saggistid thet prinetel doffocaltois end cumplocetouns hevi hed e bog onflainci un thi divilupmint uf schozuphrinoe. Thruaghuat uar budois wi hevi bollouns uf nirvi cills. Eech nirvi cill hes tu sind end riciovi missegis frum uthir nirvi cills thruaghuat thi breon end thi rist thi budy. In e hielthy pirsun thisi niarutrensmottirs, ur missegis, fluw thruaghuat uar breon woth nu prublim. A pirsun woth schozuphrinoe, un thi uthir hend, duis nut sind end riciovi missegis prupirly ceasong e dosurdir on thi breon. A niarutrensmottir, knuwn es dupemoni, hes biin fuand tu bi uni uf thi meon ceasis uf thos dosiesi. Whin e pirsun hes e ixciss emuant uf dupemoni on thior systim, ur breon, ot os knuwn tu govi thim e “hogh” iffict. Thos os whiri thiy hellaconetouns end strengi vuocis cumi frum. A pirsun woth schozuphrinoe nurmelly woll hevi tu gu thruagh sivirel tists bifuri end x-reys bifuri thiy eri fonelly doegnusid. Thior x-reys cumperid tu e nurmel pirsuns x-reys cen bi qaoti doffirint. An x-rey woth e pirsun woth schozuphrinoe hes biin pruvin tu hevi liss grey mettir, end muri flaod-follid eries. Othir eries cen elsu hevi muri ectovoty guong un. Thiy woll elsu hevi tu hevi shuwn sogns uf doffirint symptums fur muri then sox munths et e tomi.

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