
847 Words2 Pages


Biohydro-metallurgy is an application used in mining to extract

certain metals from their ores using specialised bacteria such as

Thiobacillus ferro-oxidans which metabolise certain substances in the

ore to gain the energy they need to live, which breaks it down and

releases the metal ions into solution from which they can be

extracted. The bacteria require very little else to perform this task,

as they require no organic nourishment, apart from a slightly acidic

environment, access to carbon dioxide and oxygen from the air and an

ambient temperature of around 30°c for optimum performance.

Thiobacillus ferro-oxidans oxidise both Fe² and S² ions allowing the

insoluble minerals of copper, zinc and lead to be broken down as they

also contain S² ions. The process can be demonstrated by the oxidation

of arsenopyrite seen in the equation below

2FeAsS + 7O + 4H + 2H O ® 2Fe + 2H AsO + 2HSO The bacterial oxidation

occurs in two stages, the first involving reactions at the boundary

between the surface of the bacterial cell and the asenopyrite, where

the bacteria catalyse the formation of soluble compounds of iron(II),

arsenic (III) and sulphur(VI)

The second stage consists of two separate reactions in whish iron(II)

and arsenic (III) are oxidised.

A prime example of biohydro-metallurgy is the extraction of copper,

often used as a recovery technique, extracting the metal from

low-grade ores that are the waste product of any conventional mining.

The ore is piled up in an area where the ground has been made

impermeable and sprayed with an acidic leaching solution containing

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conditions, testing the limits of the process. Finally, providing that

the process has shown to work well under all expectable conditions and

is financially viable then a full-scale plant may be built.

2) Biohydro-metallurgy is a method of extracting metals from their

ores without using the conventional techniques. It involves using a

bacterium that metabolises certain ions within the ore, breaking it

down and releasing the solution metal from within. It can be used as a

primary method of extraction for gold and a secondary method for



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