Biofuel Case Study

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Introduction : Biofuels, extracts of cereals or other foods, are experiencing a growing interest including as a substitute for fossil energy. However, the use of edible products for biofuel production has recently been classified as a crime against humanity, as it contributes to rising food prices on the world market and the intensification of the phenomenon of famine because all family with weak pension will have difficult to access for all of this food. Biofuels, fuels from renewable energy enjoying growing global interest in recent decades, including as a substitute for fossil energy that represents an unstable market, its impact on the environment, and that it is an energy that is not sustainable. Biofuel are asking in the world market come from all kinds of sugars, mainly maize, sugar cane, sweet potato, sorghum (for manufactures Ethanol). eg biodiesel, which is produced mainly in Germany and France, it comes from the transesterification induced by ethanol or methanol, oils extracted from rapeseed, sunflower, soybean or palm oil.
In this few years ago, with the UN targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, many countries have adopted different objective for replacement of fossil fuels with biofuels; in Europe, 5.75% of the energy …show more content…

Of these, growth demographics, increasing demand for energy combined with the decline of fossil fuels and increasing demand for meat products in developing countries as a result of the evolution of societies. In addition to the factors mentioned above, the supply and demand have recently influenced by different international policies that attempt to achieve sustainable development goals and gas emission reduction of greenhouse gases through the production and integration of biofuels on their territory. For example, biofuel production targets in Europe 2015 are about 130 billion gallons and the United States for 2022 is almost 140 billion

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