Importance Of Best Practices In Selection And Selection

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For any establishment to ensure consistent growth or maintain above board performance with regard to its core mandate, it must ensure that it has sufficient man-power with not just the requisite skills but also the personal drive to help the organization achieve its goals. Only via effective recruitment practice can this be achieved. Best practices in selection and recruitment generally encompasses various crucial aspects such as effective; attraction of candidates, shortlisting, assessment, selection, induction and monitoring of the candidates. These aspects of best practices mainly ensure that the recruitment process; attracts the best candidates, showcases fairness, is transparent, objective, speedy and yields the best possible outcome with regard to the employee selected. M a Husselid(1995) argues that best practices in recruitment and selection are crucial as they have a direct positive financial implication on the company especially in the long-run as their employment ensures the organization doesn’t waste resources recruiting an underqualified or underperforming individual. This paper is therefore going to provide an in-depth analysis of best practices in selection and recruitment with regard to these crucial aspects. Consequently, the positive implications of taking them into consideration and the adverse effects of overlooking them are going to be highlighted to underscore their significance. …show more content…

Therefore, one of the best practices during recruitment and selection is effective attraction of individuals with the requisite skills while at the same

Best Practices in Recruitment &

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