Benvolio And Mercutio Comparative Essay

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I thoroughly enjoyed the process of devising and developing our recontexualised version of Shakespeare’s play because of the various challenges it gave us such as the use of accents in the dialogue and being attentive to the original fluid language of Shakespeare. We chose to recontextualise the play in 1950s Britain because we wanted to play with the ethnical stereotypes and the strong enforcement of masculinity through media and social norms in that era such as the Malboro Man.
The social norms of men at the time were very rigid, men were expected to work, conform and many of the men fought in the war which ended in 1945 therefore making them quite stoic. In our recontextualisation Benvolio and Mercutio both fit into the societal norms of masculinity in Britain at the time, although Benvolio is represented as a more sympathetic and gentle man, he still has his sense of pride whereas Mercutio is portrayed as a man that has an overwhelming sense of pride and less sympathy. …show more content…

Accents were one of the main challenges encountered as it was difficult to balance the pitch and tone of the voice while doing accents. Accents were also difficult to do authentically as we often found our accents morphing into an unintended accent halfway through the scene. We also encountered the problem of staging especially in the Benvolio and Romeo section as Benvolio was not doing much, therefore the scene had to be staged in an interesting way that would draw attention to Romeo while not neglecting Benvolio and his place in the scene. Another main obstacle in our assessment was timing, it was a challenge to have equal line distribution for the characters within the set time frame. We relied much on silence to establish the sadness experienced by Romeo, this dominated much of our time limit causing us to go overtime. We overcame this by cutting out small lines and shortening long unnecessary pauses within the

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