Benefits of Nature and Outdoor Activity

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Since the beginning of time, the human race has been closely affiliated with nature. Our early ancestors didn’t have houses— they lived in tents, caves, and other forms of natural shelter. As the evolution of lifestyle progressed to be what we know it today, people settled down in houses they built on farms, or in small towns. These grew to be cities, and eventually countries. As a population, we have moved away from this lifestyle immersed in nature, especially in the last few decades. We now spend most of our time indoors, doing homework or watching television; not experiencing nature. The great outdoors have so many unrealized benefits, but we don’t take advantage of them or experience them as much as we should.
In general, physical activity is known to reduce the risk of many diseases and help lengthen your life. Just 2 hours and 30 minutes of physical activity a week can help to lower your chances of developing deadly diseases and chronic illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Being active can also help to lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels. Studies show that people who are active for seven or more hours a week have a 40 percent lesser chance of dying early than someone who is active for only 30 minutes a week or less (The Benefits).
Along with the lowered risk of some diseases, regular exercise can help to strengthen bone and muscle. Research shows that moderate aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening activity can slow loss of bone density, which inevitably comes with age. Physical activity can help to lower the risk of hip fracture (a serious health condition) and helps with arthritis. It also helps to control weight and build strong, healthy muscles (The Bene...

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