Benefits for Identifying and Analysing Training Needs for and Organization

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1 OUTLINE THE BENEFITS OF IDENTIFYING AND ANALYSING TRAINING NEEDS FOR AN ORGANISATION. When an organisation identifies and analyses a training need by carrying out a training needs analysis the organisation can satisfy itself that there is a real need for training. Training is offered within an organisation for a variety of reasons e.g.; it can be induction training for new staff, new technology has been introduced or they are up-skilling the current staff because of new regulations or legislation. Training should be designed and conducted to meet some objective or to fulfil some identified need. The training gap can be identified as a result of a training needs analysis being carried out at an organisational level or on the individual. The training to be offered should support the mission statement, vision, plans and polices of the organisation. (O’Carroll, 2012). An organisation can benefit if they firstly identify and analyse the training that is required to ensure that effective training is offered to staff and that in fact it is training which is required to resolve the issues raised and that it is simply not a matter of employing more staff. Extra training will not resolve staff shortages. Other benefits to the organisation are as follows: • It saves the organisation money if effective training is offered. • It can increase profits to the organisation as a higher skilled workforce will result in greater productivity. • Where Health and Safety Training is offered it reduces the risk to the employee and may result in a lower insurance premium. • It increases the organisations competitiveness as with additional training the workers become more flexible and can complete more tasks efficiently. • It increases the quality... ... middle of paper ... ... in turn then the learner is more likely to retain the information delivered. It is an easy to follow method of References: • O’Carroll, E. Train the Trainer (2012) Dublin: Gill and Macmillan Ltd. (page 172) • Barbara Corkey BL , Class notes. • Hasan (2007) How To Conduct A Training Needs Analysis. How to Guides. 3 June Available: ( • Carbon 360 (2014). Carbon 360. Available: ( • Forest, Ed.(2014) The ADDIE Model: Instructional Design, Educational Technology, 29 January. Available: • Gagne, Robert M., Briggs, Leslie, J., Wager, Walter, F. (1985). Principles of Instructional Design, Wadsworth, ISBN 0030347572

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