Benefits Of Managed Care

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Healthcare in the United States is very expensive. When a patient goes to see his doctor in hopes that he will get the necessary treatment. All doctors are patients advocates and care providers. It seems logic because the patients don’t have the necessary medical knowledge. With the pay-for-service system, the patient would request treatment and the doctor would deliver the best care for the patient. Sometimes the doctor may recommend a procedure that is more expensive that the alternative treatment available for the patient. The doctor in this role plays a bauble role. He recommends the patient to get the service that he provides. It is hard to know if the doctor acts on behalf of patient’s best interest or for his own financial gain. When managed care is involved the situation is very different. According to Henderson (2015), “Managed care uses various reimbursement methods with the goal to shift some of the financial risks to the provider. Shifting risk …show more content…

Managed care puts providers in a tough position to deliver the necessary care. If the medical provider was free to perform any procedure he thought is necessary under fee-for-service payment, he may get penalized for doing that under managed care guidelines. Managed care doesn’t allow the medical providers to recommend expensive procedures, but instead in encourages cheaper alternatives. The patients that use to pay-for-service system feel that they don’t get the best care that they deserve. Managed care places restrictions on certain services and discourages the overuse of medical care, which was encouraged by the pay-for-service system. Henderson mentions that “Managed care is unpopular among health care providers, and that managed care challenges their clinical independence and income. When providers are not happy with a plan their patients will mimic the

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