Benefit Utilization

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The separation of employees' work life and personal life is no longer clearly defined by a 9-5 schedule, time spent in the office or proximity to coworkers. The advancement of technology has blurred the line between work life and personal time. This blurring and overlapping of work and personal time has created a new environment to which company provided benefits much adapt. The evolution of benefit programs must support employees combined work/life overlap and must encompass both areas. There are no longer benefit programs defined by the traditional package of health coverage, dental, vision, vacation, life insurance and 401K program. Employees want and need more from their benefits programs including incentives to attract them to programs, motivate them to use the benefits and ensure healthy choices are adopted in their households. As Dave Rahill, President of Mercer's Health & Benefits business, states in the February addition of On the Clock, "This challenge puts even more pressure on employers to deeply understand and communicate the value of various benefits to their employees so they can make smart choices" (Guillaume, 2013). Employers must broaden their focus beyond just the employee to include the entire family to ensure improvement of employees lifestyles. This paper will discuss the evolution of employer benefits toward a focus in healthy living via incentives provided to employees to ensure their utilization beyond the work environment. Through analysis of employee utilization of both traditional and wellness benefit programs at Conversant the current incentives leading that utilization are evaluated and recommendations for improvement. Evaluation of Conversant’s incentive program designed to drive employee be...

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