Believability Of On Photography By Susan Sontag

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Feng Wen Minty Savitsky Option 2

Susan Sontag was an American writer that was mostly active in writing about areas of conflict such as the Vietnam War. Sontag later wrote “On Photography,” a series of essay that changed how people viewed photography. Sontag changed the views of many people about the use of cameras. Instead of using cameras mindlessly, people now think about the impact cameras have. Sontag made people question the believability of photography and not to just accept every photo people see as reality. Sontag predicted the way photography will expand and how it will shape the future.
Sontag refers photography as …show more content…

The way we take photos, how photos are shared, how we print photos, how we store photos and the how much to produce a photo. With the introduction of mobile phone cameras, the mass(people) began to take different types of photos and capture different kinds of experiences. Because of the portability of a mobile phone camera, people no longer take the usual still family portrait but instead captures their experiences everywhere they come across. The camera phone provides people with a new experiences of photo taking. It has become a big part for people and helps tell their story. Mobile camera phones also takes photos at a much higher resolution resulting in a much better quality picture. Therefore the amount of information a photo contains are a lot greater than a photo from the 1970s. Portability and the increased amount of information photos contain shaped the kind of photos we take today; photos became much more personal. This sparked people’s desire to alter and manipulate personal photos and present their ideal

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