Beliefs Christians Hold about their Responsibility for those at the Beginning and End of their Lives

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Beliefs Christians Hold about their Responsibility for those at the Beginning and End of their Lives

Christians believe that God has mapped out our lives even before our

conception. He has chosen what we will do therefore life should be

protected and upheld. Each individual life is different and sacred.

An early Christian document the Didache states:

‘You shall not kill the foetus in its mother’s womb.’

This has been the traditional Christian teaching since the time of

Jesus. This creates an emphasis that human life from its beginning

should be respected. Also Pope Paul VI stated in the Humanae Vitae

1968 that;

‘Human life is sacred…, all men must recognise this fact.’

Christians believe that helping the vulnerable, disabled, the young,

the old and sick teaches compassion. The parable of ‘The sheep and

goats’ warn that God shall judge us on how we have helped others and

felt compassion for those in need.

Also in HLS they state;

‘Once human life exists, we are morally bound to respect its right to

life, to development, to human dignity. Otherwise the very basis of

morality is undermined.’

Arch Bishop Brady’s statement in the Irish News stated;

‘…deliberate killing of the unborn child is a grave moral disorder.’

Also Arch Bishop Brady stated;

‘Particular responsibility falls on those who make our laws,

especially our politicians.’

Arch Bishop Brady calls out to the politicians and people who create

our laws to declare that the killing of an unborn child is

unremorseful and that we must make this trait illegal also throughout

the Hippocratic Oath doctors have vowed to live in accordance to this;


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imparts death in order to do away with sorrow, constitutes a murder

seriously contrary to the dignity of a human person and to respect for

the living God, his or her creator.’

This statement from the Catholic Catechism describes once again the

teachings that;

‘Human life is sacred and God is the only giver and sustainer of


Christians through Church teachings and Jesus’ example believe that

they hold a responsibility for those at the beginning and end of their

lives by helping the poor, downtrodden, the elderly, the sick and

vulnerable and especially the unborn. God has created life from the

moment of conception and only he can take it away. Christian teaching

therefore speaks out against Abortion and Euthanasia. However,

Christians also believe that all people can be forgiven for their


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