Being A Good Student Essay

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Becoming a good student for most is not an easy task. One may be asking if there is a definite way to distinguish a good student and the answer is it 's merely impossible to say a student is considered “good” based on only one factor. Many people define good students as kids who have the best grade in the class. Since most of the time this is true, grades can only be looked at as a single way of how we define the term “good”. We must remember that even poor students can earn high grades occasionally, thus proving why grades are not the best indicator of a student’s quality. The “good student” label will most likely lay on the discipline that their parents laid down for them in school as a child. A good student can balance a positive attitude …show more content…

For example, I 've noticed students who arrive a few minutes early to talk to the professor about upcoming class materials, future tests or homework have a better chance at fully understanding the subject rather than just learning it once. Good students pay attention during the time they are in class and take notes on whatever the teachers are discussing that day. Giving back in the sense of volunteering or stating one 's point of view in class clearly distinguishes the average students from the golden students. If a student can find a happy medium between speaking and listening they will be able to make their point but also listen to any others view from their fellow peers that they may not have known prior. Being able to listen to your peers might teach you something that you would have otherwise not ever know; this is the mark of a great …show more content…

Balancing the characteristics of a good student will not only lift them out of the average student range in some of their classes, but it will also carry on through his or her adult life making a job or a career even better. Becoming an excellent student early on in one 's lifetime is the best way to learn the discipline needed because it 's something that will be pushed onto the student by the parents very young, rather than trying to teach oneself self discipline. Defining a student by their grades is not a good way to understand the student and how they are learning but watching the choices that they make in academics is the key to defining who has what it takes to proclaim the good student

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