Be Careful Not to Plagairize

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According to the Harvard Guide to Use Sources, it is considered plagiarism if you use a language or report and turn it in as your own without appropriately crediting the sources used. On the sources that you used to gather information, if you can not locate the author, make sure to scroll down and look everywhere for an author. If you cannot locate an author, make sure that you appropriately cite the website in your bibliography. Although it may seem obvious, while you use the Internet to gather information, you need to be extra wary about where you gathered your information because you can mistakenly plagiarize. Although it may have been a mistake, you still take the consequences because you DID commit plagiarism and there is nothing that can be done, but to learn from your mistake and not let it happen anymore.
The most common type of plagiarism is called "Verbatim Plagiarism." The word "Verbatim" means, along the lines of, word-for-word. Therefore, Verbatim Plagiarism is when you copy someone's work with no change whatsoever. Also, Verbatim Plagiarism does not include quotation marks. That means that if you copy something word-for-word, it is plagiarism unless you put it inside quotations and provide some sort of citation. One acceptable form of citation is "direct quote with citation" which means that you can quote, but you need a citation according to what type of paper you are writing (e.g. MLA or APA). A second acceptable form of citation is "paraphrase with citation" which means that you can paraphrase a document, but then you need to cite it somewhere in the document. To paraphrase means to take what a person said and keep the same idea, but change the sentence.
Another very popular form of plagiarism is called "Mosa...

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...ation in quotation marks, you still need to give so,embody the credit for it. Therefore, you need to cite your quotation. If you do not cite the quotation you are plagiarizing. The citing of quotations is so that if the reader wants to learn more about that topic because he/she is interested in it, they can know who wrote it as well as where they wrote it.
A very common kind of plagiarism is "Using Material From Another Student's Work." Basically, you need to give credit to the original author of the material you are using. Even if your instructor emphasizes group collaboration, you need to give credit to the people whom you got some ideas from. If you don't, you are plagiarizing which can result in many harsh consequences. Even if you are actively participating in the thinking, but one of your group members comes up with an idea/theory, you need to cite him/her.

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