Batman Persuasive Essay

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There use to be a tv show called Batman that was popular to watch. It’s not like the ones we have now but there are great. Joker and all the other enemy of batman teamed up to take him and Robin down. The joker has a lot of tricks to use. Such as a cannon, bombs, and other dangerous stuff. His cars are purple around it, has a green roof, and black tires. When the Joker is done doing his job or just killing someone you know it was him because he leaves the sign Joker was here. I think the best villain to me is the Joker. That is because he looks like a clown and thinks that everything is a joke. He looks like a clown because Batman dropped him in acid and when he came out his face was white, he had red lips, and green hair. …show more content…

Batman fights him the most because he does the worst crimes. He robbed a bank and killed a lot of people. He also dressed up as a nurse to get inside of a hospital to go see another villain. When he left he blew up the place and then left. Before he became the Joker he was already a criminal but he worked for a boss and did jobs for him. But now he is the boss, but he doesn’t tell people to do all the jobs for him, He also does a lot of them himself. In the 1900s, they made a movie named Batman and that wasn’t the first time we met Joker but that is my favorite movie. Because in the movie it shows you how he became the Joker. He was in a building fighting cops when Batman came down from the roof and picked up the joker, friend put a gun to a man and said he would shoot him if he didn’t put him down. He shot him anyway then he dropped him into acid. Joker wasn’t his name before he became him. His name was Jack. He liked to play cards a lot and his favorite card was, The Joker. The Joker isn’t the only antagonist that I know. The Man With The Red Eyes, is another mean and cruel character. He has red eyes, black suit, and black hair. I am reading a book named Wrinkle In Time and he is the antagonist, but not the only one. There are two more. The Black Thing and IT. The Man With The Red Eyes compares with IT because they both live on Camazotz.

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