Barack Obama Impact

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The presidency of Barack Obama will become a defining period of the early 21st century after the failings of his predecessor and the uncertainty of his successor. In addition, as the world has become very intertwined the title of commander and chief is impossibly difficult to tackle and Obama was able to do this in both a diplomatic and assertive manner. An example is the complexity that surrounds the South China Sea as territory is unmarked and undefined which has left many to squabble over what they believe belongs to them. He deserves much credit for his work, with numerous achievements to the benefit of the United States on the World Stage. For example, Obama showed resilience when he put pressure on Burma to hold democratic elections for the first time in their history. Much of the criticism directed towards Obama is a …show more content…

It is happening.” with this in mind Obama put protecting the environment on top of his list for Foreign policy agenda. Global warming is a hot topic today as much evidence for it is evident but it is still denied by many.nevertheless, Obama believed that it is something that must be dealt with now before its effects began to take a larger impact on the earth. Obama’s Clean power plan was his first step in tackling this issue as a result, “states and utilities, which is now transforming the way we produce energy.” (Gaby) Obama made the United states one of the World's leader in environmental protection and clean energy. This act was nothing in comparison to the huge global agreement that Obama was able to push and convince 195 other countries including the world's largest polluter China to accept. (Gaby). Obama was successful in bring about a brighter future for the world in the environmental sense as population grows and manufacturing output is on the rise this is something that must be handled for a brighter future for the United States and the

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