Banning Cell Phones in Schools

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The usage of cell phones is increasing dramatically in the world today, especially among the student body. The principal’s idea of banning cell phones from the school has to be one of the best ideas yet. Why does a student even need to use a cell phone during school? The usage of cell phones in a school or a business can only lead to disaster. Students could be texting friends the answers on tests, talking on the phone and not paying attention and miss an announcement, or they might talk or text and hurt another individual verbally or physically. Undoubtedly a student does not need a cell phone in school. Students often tell friends the answers on tests, if they have a cell phone in school with just one push of a button they can send the answers on tests to many of their friends without actually having to tell them to their faces. Cheating is not tolerated in school and texting answers is cheating. The students cheating should result in their phones being taken away, making the students and their parents angry. The students who cheated might get a failing grade on the test f...

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