Banning Abortion

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Banning Abortion For many years now people have debated over abortion. Legally a woman can have an abortion when she is up to 24weeks pregnant except if the mothers' life is in danger. Some people see this as killing innocent babies but others see it as a rescue for teenage mothers' etc. Abortion was only legalized in 1861but was only carried out if the mothers life was at risk. However this changed with the introduction of the Abortion Act (1967) by the Liberal MP David Steel. This allowed a woman to have an abortion if there was a risk or injury to her or her existing children's physical or mental health but the mother must have the permission of two doctors. In 1990 the law was changed again: 'The Human Fertilization and Embryology Act (1990) reduced from 27 to 24 weeks the latest date for abortion. The grounds for termination within that time period are wide. But after 24 weeks a pregnancy can only be terminated if the mother's life is threatened or there is a substantial risk of fetal abnormality.' This means that mother can chose if their unborn baby lives or dies. On average there is an abortion of every 2.8 births worldwide. There are several ways of carrying out abortion: Suction The abortionist first paralyzes the cervix (womb opening). He then inserts a hollow plastic tube with a knife-like tip into the uterus. The tube is connected to a powerful pump with a suction force 29 times more powerful than a home vacuum cleaner. The procedure tears the baby's body into pieces and the hose frequently jerks as pieces of the baby become lodged. The placenta is then cut from the inner wall of the uterus and the scr... ... middle of paper ... ...hout any consequences? I think that abortion is another form of murder but should be used if the mothers' life is at risk and the baby will die anyway. A lot of women regret having an abortion for the rest of their lives; some are even forced by their families to go through with the abortion. I think it is the murder of the most innocent member of the human race, what has the unborn baby done wrong? However, I do think that abortion should be allowed in cases where the mother is under 15 or has been the victim of rape or incest. But if you are sexually aroused and engaging in unprotected sex you should be aware of the consequences of having a child. Whether it is intentional or by mistake you are bringing a new life into the world. It becomes a life when the sperm hits the ovum therefore you are killing a life.

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