Bacteria Vs Bacteria

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When one thinks of bacteria, what comes to mind? Bacteria are single celled organisms whose main objective in life is to gather nutrient and reproduce asexually. They just grow and divide. Humans have very interesting interactions with bacteria. In our bodies we have one trillion cells that make us who we are. Outside and inside our bodies, we have 10 trillion bacterial cells that help us (dietary functions like making vitamins, creating a barrier against foreign/bad bacteria, helping our immune system, etc.). In terms of DNA, we have 30,000 genes. Bacteria in and on our bodies have about 300,000 genes. So really, we are more bacterial than human, proportionately speaking. Bonnie Bassler and her team worked to figure out just how these small organisms communicate with each other, and what they found is actually quite interesting. …show more content…

What they do is produce light (bioluminescence) that helps the squid camouflage itself at night. The squid has a special way of sensing how much moonlight is coming down, and then using a shutter, can control how much light comes out. This makes the squid not cast a shadow, making it harder for predators and prey to see it. During the day, the squid pumps out the dead bacteria, and the process starts again. What her team did was look at how these bacteria produced their light. When they were in a dilute solution with very few bacteria, then they did not produce light. But when there were many bacteria, they did produce light. The reason this happened is because the bacteria produce these chemical messengers called Quorums, which help the bacteria know how much of them there

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