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In many upcoming companies, there is a raise in demand organizational development intervention with relevant knowledge to practice. Planned actions and process of events that are intended to increase that effectiveness of an organization. When interventions are introduced in an organization, they to some extent interfere with the status quo. When one is performing training on organization development interventions, it is important to consider various factors. Whether the intervention that has been selected in relevant to the organization. The presenter also needs to find out whether the knowledge on the intervention is credible. The presenter therefore engages himself in an applied research on real life situation. It is important to define what organization development mean. This is any practice that improves an organization and its process of problem solving (Western, 2010).
In the presentation the presenter will need a projector and a pointing pen. He will also need a computer to make his presentation effective. He should be audible enough for effective communication. Understanding the interest of the organization and the interest of the audience will also be very significant. The strategy that has been selected and planed should bring about change in an organization. The approach to change should be collaborative. The interventions should to a great extent enhance and improve performance. The entire organization development should rely on values that to some extent humanistic about the organization and people. A system approach should also be presented by organization development.
Among the most effecti...

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...ely, for changes and organization development strategies to be achieved, one should have clear understanding of the role that needs to be played. While training on OD-interventions therefore, the interest if the organization and the problem affecting it need to be well understood. This will help to a great extent in effective presentation in an organization.

DeKler, M. (2007). Healing emotional trauma in organizations: An O.D. Framework and case study. Organizational Development Journal, 25(2), 49-56.
Western, S. (2010), What do we mean by Organizational Development, Krakow: Krakow: Advisio Press

DeKler, M. (2007). Healing emotional trauma in organizations: An O.D. Framework and case study. Organizational Development Journal, 25(2), 49-56.
Western, S. (2010), What do we mean by Organizational Development, Krakow: Krakow: Advisio Press

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