Ayn Rand

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Every great story comes with an inspiration. Most authors find the stories they write rooted in personal experiences, which enables them to dig deep and tie in their own opinions and style. Many authors use their writings to express their feelings and give the reader a taste to their view of the world. Ayn Rand was no exception, revealing her strong opinions to her readers. Ayn Rand’s Russian childhood, American influence, and strong opinions greatly inspired her to write the novella Anthem.
One major contributing factor to the creation of Anthem was Rand’s childhood. Ayn Rand was born on February 2, 1905, in St. Petersburg, Russia. At the time she was there, Russia was practicing communism with a collectivist culture. (“A Brief Biography of Ayn Rand” 1) Communism is a system used by the Russian economy where property is owned collectively and other products such as those used in transport are owned by the government. At a very young age, Ayn Rand had a strong opposition again the collectivist culture, which she was constantly surrounded by. This culture is shown to a great extent in Rand’s novella, Anthem. The story takes place in a city where every aspect of the entire citizen’s lives is controlled by the government. Each individual had no choice in his or her decisions or actions. The collectivism in the city is closely correlated with the Russian society Rand lived in herself. Rand also felt this manipulation of lives when the communism affected her family.
Russian communism not only had a great effect on Rand’s opinions, but also the life of herself and her family. The entire family was put into desperate conditions. (Gordon 1) After the Bolshevik party came into power, Rand’s father’s pharmacy was confisca...

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...m to the characters in their works. Often, an author can use their writings to show their perspective on life to the reader. This not only applies to authors, but also to all people in their daily lives. Many times in life, past experiences play a large factor in future decisions. People may choose certain paths to follow in their future based on the opinions they have formulated throughout their lives. Experiences people go through can often help build their perspectives on life. All of these factors help determine people’s personality and who they are. Ayn Rand is one great example of taking everything she has gone though and put it into her writings. Ayn Rand opened the minds of her readers to see her individualistic perspective on the world. She took her Russian childhood, American influence, and strong opinions to formulate her own work of art, Anthem.

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